Category: Commercial Fashion Photography

Dixie Dixon interview including a selection of her Commerical Fashion photography

I’m jealous! Fstoppers pulled off something rather special.

Ok, I am not actually jealous. Kudos to fstoppers for interviewing Dixie Dixon, an amazing photographer. Continue reading

Dixie Dixon. One seriously amazing photographer

Last week I was lucky enough to catch a Fashion Shooting session held by Dixie Dixon with  CreativeLIVE.

She was shooting tethered, so you could see her shots as they came out of the camera (no post processing). Strikingly beautiful photos straight out of the camera.

Dixie Dixon detailed what she was doing and why. You saw the lighting setup and she explained whenever she changed something.

She had really great rapport with her models, which is real important.

Just found out that Dixie Dixon is also a Nikon Ambassador. I mention that because it could mean that she will very likely be holding more shooting sessions, which one can join over the internet.

Keep an eye on the Dixie Dixon Facebook Page page for any upcoming opportunity to catch her doing her magic. You’ll learn a lot.

Clutts Agency had posted a brief behind the scenes video of the Dixie Dixon Beverly Drive Magazine shoot. Fun to watch.

Her Tumbr Blog has some stuff which might be of interest. In one entry, she diagrams and discusses a lighting setup for the photo shown.

Also check out her Dixie Dixon website, to see a number of her photos, get an idea of the gear she uses and lots of other things

Seriously amazing photographer.

Dear Photographer …Kindest regards, Model. xxx by Jen Brook

In mid March Jen Brook created a post on her Blog called: Dear Photographer …Kindest regards, Model. xxx

If you have never had a shoot with a Model, then her post will be a real insight to read. Those who have had photo shoots with Models will also get an inside perspective from the Model.

In such a situation both the Photog and the Model can really make the photos stand out – or not.  Both parties will likely be nervous at first, especially if they had not worked together before. Continue reading